I remember when he was born, kind of, he wanted out so bad. They had to go in and do an emergency c-section, because he moved so much, and had the cord around his neck. Silly boy, should have known he was going to be trouble! He was so teeny tiny when he was born, I wish I had pictures, but I saved them to a computer that crashed. UGH. He was in preemie clothing for about a month, then he graduated to newborn size. B was such a snuggler too..... Oh I miss this.
"B, I love you more than you could ever know. Maybe one day, when you hae kids, you will understand what I mean." I adore his sister the same amount, in different ways, but something about the first born. I couldn't part with him, for any amount of time. I missed him when he was sleeping. This is bad, but sometimes I would go in to his room, and wake him up just so I could hug on him and kiss him more. :) I was hooked on that handosme little guy!
Tonight, we are taking him and all of his birthday money, and letting him pick out some toys. Then it is off to Cracker Barrel for dinner.(He loves playing the checkers game)Happy Birthday to a ery grown up 5 year old!!! I love you! P.S. TONS OF PICTURES BELOW!

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