I would have to say...... probably my husband. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't have my beautiful children, the funny in life, a best friend, or a loving companion. So for that, I thank him, and love him dearly. We have been through our severe ups and downs, and in the end, here we stand together. I love you baby! I look forward to 80 more years of funny, happy, sexy, lovey-dovey moments with you!
Now on to the tagging!! I was tagged today by a beautiful, sexy, hilarious, mama!! Jana over @ Boobies, Babies, and a Blog, has tagged me with 8 questions to answer.

Heres the drill, I will answer the 8 questions she came up with, then I tag 8 others and ask them 8 questions! Sound easy enough?! It is! :)
Here are my answers for hers:
If you could change one thing about your personality, what would it be?
It would be how sarcastic I can be sometimes.... Sometimes I am too sarcastic and it comes off rude.
What was the last argument you had regarding?
Too be frank, it was about sex. I feel I don't get it enough, lol. I have the sex drive of a 16 year old boy!
Do you read while you're in the bathroom?
Sometimes! It helps to keep my mind off of other things!
Do you believe sex offenders can be rehabilitated?
I want to say yes, to an extent, but I don't think so.
Did you have a good childhood?
I'd say I had a GREAT childhood, other than the beatings I got from my dad, it was delightful!
Fill in the blank: Money can't buy you _Pure Happiness_.
What is the last lie you told?
I told my mom I was trying to make it in time to get her, I wasn't. I was training for a job with a friend, and we talked more than trained, and I wasn't in a huge hurry. Sorry.
What's one thing (people and pets excluded) that you cannot live without?
Ice Tea and Texas Pete Hot Sauce!
Tell me 3 things you ALWAYS buy at the grocery store?
Fruit Snacks
Bubble Bath
Dr. Pepper
My 8 question for my 8 friends below:
- If you could be a fruit, which would you be, and why?
- Have you ever had a one night stand?
- If you could have plastic surgery, no matter what the cost, what would you get?
- Cats or Dogs?
- What would be your last meal, if you knew, you were going to die the next morning?
- What kind of car do you drive?
- Would you ever bungee jump or base jump?
- What is your talent?
Now on to my 8 dolls of choice:
Food Floozie
J~ @ Babies, Boobies, and a Blog
Duane Scott
Mommy the Coupon Hunter
Peace.Love.Lipgloss-- http://brandiefleming.blogspot.com/
Southern Cinderella
That 22 Year Old Housewife
Nikki @ You're My Cuppy Cake

Cute. Nothing wrong with being sarcastic. :)
Oh, you're too cute inviting me to the party! I'll get right to work on my answers ... :)
Hi Kristin,
I’m already following your neat blog. I have a new Facebook friends page where I will begin post inspiring messages three times a week. Check it out below!
Facebook fan page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Inspire/338562522284?ref=ts
Blog: http://inspiredbyron.blogspot.com/
Great Blog. I'm a new follower thanks to Follow Me Back Tuesday! Have a fabulous week :)
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