About the crazy.....

My photo
GA, United States
Just a southern gal from Georgia who has a real problem with baking. And by problem I mean, I can't help myself! :D I am married to the love of my life, he puts up with me so well! I am mother to the most adorable, yet tough little boy. And mother to a most beautiful full of attitude, little girl. I can't forget about our 4-legged family members! Our terrier Lucy, Our Great Dane Milo, our mutty mutt Ellie and our cats Abbey and Sammy! I LOVE to bake and I am trying to start up my own cupcakery. I love vintage anything! My blog started out as a blog for my cupcakes, now it has turned into an everyday into the life of "ME" blog. Life is not perfect and wonderful all the time, you will hear me gripe, bahahaha, it isn't all cupcakes. Just a heads up per say. :D Hope your reading experience is enjoyable! And please be sure to comment, follow, and grab my button!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Meeting Betty!

OH JOY! (can you already hear the sarcasm?!) I have a new friend, her name is "Betty".

Although, I wouldn't call her a friend....

More like an enemy.

She has been here for about a week now and I have been so delighted to have her.

OK. I am done pretending.

Betty and I have such a horrid relationship, she keeps coming around, getting fatter off of my food. And to top it off, she hurts me, and then won't go away. I have tried to give her meds and pills to make her go away, no such luck. I have tried to go talk to someone to make her go away, she is still here.

Well, last night, last night was the last straw. You see, I take a cute little sleeping pill that helps me sleep, dur. And I was awoken at 2 am by Betty. She wasn't having the whole sleep thing, she wanted to be up and moving and getting fatter and just a real pain in the neck! {Literally}

I told her, I am going to win this and popped another pain pill....
{i'm SO not a junkie, I actually loathe taking anything but ibuprofen, but Betty is cruel and unusual punishment for my nerves}

An hour went by, still awake and still in pain. {Have I ever mentioned that I have an abnormally large resistance to pain meds? True Story.}
So I get back to sleep, and when I woke up this morning, she had done it. I couldn't swallow! (ok so it HURT to swallow--sheesh)
What did she do to me?!?! Did she poison me in my sleep!?

Nope, she got fatter. So, to tally it up, she's fat and i'm the unhappy one.

I just realized that I sound like I have Multiple Personality Disorder. haha. Not true. Can you prove it?!

I still managed to eat a cupcake, as painful as it was.

Doc said she shouldn't be getting fatter, she should be going away and bothering someone else. Yet, she isn't. AT. ALL.

So, now I have to take 2,000 mg of amoxicillin and another antibiotic I cant spell, plus a pain pill. Thank you so much Betty. And on Monday, if I can "make it" through till then WITHOUT visiting our crummy E.R., THEN the doc will do an ultrasound. Please pray Betty is gone by then, or smaller and less painful, and hope it isn't something bad.

Betty dear.... I bid you adue!

P.S. Betty is a female bc im a female, and also, she is a lump that started out the size of a pea under my chin, and has grown to the size of an avocado core and is now hovering under my jaw line and over my lawbone a little. :(

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Who wants clean cupcakes anyways?!

My dear friends, today is a day that I, Procrastinate. I am horrible at this. I find myslef writing random "to-do" lists in 18 different notebooks, that I manage to "scratch" out 3 things from.



Maybe it was all of the mexican and cookies I inhaled tasted last night at my cookie swap. You know, the gossip social committee.

Maybe I can accomplish at least laundry. Although to be honest, no one needs clean clothes, do we? We just like them. It isnt a necessity, right?

Besides, I'm good.

I have NO laundry of my own in there, maybe the hubbs will do it.
Than again, maybe there will be world peace and everyone will become rich.

And to answer your question, yes, my random babblings are back. :)