It is that joyful time again, we like to call, MONDAY. Over at The Daily Dose, Ian is doing his usual awesomeness, and this 'episode' is co-hosted by Kendra from Baby Bits! By the way, she came up with all of the questions!
What was your "oh no, I'm turning into my Mom/Dad" moment?
There are so many moments, I can't place a finger on just one, gahhh. Mainly with most things I say on a daily basis, there are those that creep out, that sound like my parents! Saying something is different than turning into something. Please Lord, I WILL NOT turn out like my mother. BAHAHA.
What current commercial do you find the most annoying/funny?Most annoying commercial? Not sure, I have been using my dvr, so it is hard to know. I did see one the other day where I about fell out laughing, but now, I can't remember. dang.
If you could only eat one color food for the rest of your life what would it be?
Are cupcakes considered a color? LOL. Probably white or brown..... Brown for tea, chocolate, lots of things!
What is your current Facebook/Myspace/Twitter status?
FB: Something about wanting to create cookies.
Myspace: HA! Don't use it ever.
Twitter: Something about my kids, I think.
'F***', Marry, Kill from this list below. Women pick from the men, men pick from the women.
•Snookie (from Jersey Shore), Ellen DeGeneres, Betty White
•Regis Philbin, Justin Bieber, Perez Hilton
Ok, I would probably Marry Regis, he is just so charming!
I would probably 'F' Justin Bieber, lol, young I know, but Regis is too old and well perez?! yuck.
And I would hafta off Perez! LOL. He is an annoying D*uc*ebag!!
And if I were a man, lol, I would Marry Betty White, 'F' Ellen, and kill Snookie!!! :) Just f.y.i. ;)
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